I did it! YAY me!
And this month is coming to an end. I've failed miserably on the book front, but don't fear it's mostly 'cause I don't respond well to pressure, the kind where I am being demanded of something, like the man. Down with the man! Okay, see it's the pressure, it's getting to me.
I don't want to wallow, but I'm mired in this pit of ugh. I am trying hard to write to get my 50000 words, but it's hard, hard, hard! I don't know if I'll make it, and it kills me. I will finish it all, the whole story will be closer to 100K words, but the pressure to get it done is killing me. I have managed to keep up with the blog end of it though, but just barely.
"I wish you would help with the chores."
Adam and I bought our Christmas Tree today and put it up. The box says that it's 4', but it's about 3.5', it's pre lit and kinda cute. AND the whole thing, you know, tree and decorations, were only $21!
I thought this was really cute.
I can't help that I love to watch Survivor. The whole game has changed in the countless seasons we've been subjected to the hairy wonders that emerge on the small screen. Then every season I proclaim a favorite, which often changes, I'm a sucker for the underdog, but this year, I've had a big Survivor crush on Yul. Tonight he mangaged to sway the game to his "team's" favour, thereby showing the others that there were correct to be all scared of him.
Today I make the rookie mistake of grocery shopping on the day before Thanksgiving. Safeway was a MADHOUSE! I would suggest that no one should shop on the day before Thanksgiving.
Tonight we had another Team in Training, uh, training. It was interesting. There was a lot of running mixed with different skill things, like skipping, grape vining and such. Afterwards we had a workshop for women. It was a chance for us to ask questions relating to women's issues and running a marathon. For example, always carry extra tampons, and when running at night, never run alone, ya know the standard stuff. I had questions like, where is a good place to buy a decent sports bra around here? Can I still strength train the way I am now? Then when pregnancy was brought up, I stumbled asking what would happen. All in all I felt like a total idiot. They know I have played sports before, and I would like to think that I am athletic enough to do this, but training for rugby is so different than training for a marathon. I know you are thinking, duh! But I am used to training in a way that I have always trained, to get as strong as I can, and get my cardio as good as I can. Now having super massive thighs can be a bit of a detriment, (not that they are super massive yet, ie as in really strong, but I'm doing well-ish) I have to lift weights differently, and even run differently. I have always run on my toes, leaning forward somewhat, because when I would run in rugby it was more of a hard run, sprint if you will. Now I have to be able to really settle into a run, and hold that pace. I need to be able to land on my foot neutrally, and not use my upper body as much. On the other hand, from training the way I have been, in the past for rugby, I have taught myself how to recover quickly, which is helping me now.
(I really need to watch this show.)
Dear Shoppers.
This running thing? It's gettin' hard, yo! Well not so much on the gettin' as on the already hard, hella hard.
The Grudge Match.
Here's the piece that I am going to read in my class today. This class is a memoirs class so it's true stuff. I did take some poetic licence, becasue I am not all freaky about memoirs to the point where I tell you that there were exactly 1,493 burrs on the sweater she was wearing when he accepted her award for most obscure resident of the year.
As of right now, which means I am where I need to be. Except, really today is tomorrow, so I need to be at 26,666. But I need sleep and I have been typing for 5 hours. But yay, I'm caught up.
Everyone knows that I have to be a writing fool this month, and I am mostly making it work, and still writing fresh stuff for my writing classes. Anyhow as a minor cop out and just so you can see that I can edit stuff, here is what I read in my class today, I wrote it last night, along with the piece that I am going to read in my other class tomorrow, I'll post it there. Now just a wee little bit from Paranoid Deadra to start. Please don't plagerize me, it will make me really mad, and I will have to go all hog wild on your ass....
Ack the Pill is a better title I think. So my RE put me on the Pill. Yes, I'm trying to get pregnant, but he put me on the Pill. Also for the record I've never been on it. I always figured unless I'm in a commited relationship I"m gonna use condoms, so what's the point? And hey I was right! So now that I'm on it, I feel weird. I have no appetite at all, which sucks because I am about to go to the gym and I know I havne't eaten enough. I made chocolate cake the other day (Adam asked for one) and I had no desire to eat any. None! And it is chocolate! It's strange what these hormones are doing to me.
I've mentioned that I am training for a marathon. So here's the nitty gritty. I am traiaing with Team in Training, which is a fundraising arm of the Leukemia and Lymphoma foundation. I will be running in the Kaiser half marathon in Feburary, and I get to fundraise $1800 to do so. I do have a website that I will link to, but I just wanted to give a general "this is what I'm doing, be prepared for more details".
I wonder why I am so determined to observe Rememberance Day. To me it reminds me of my Grandpa, like I said, then I was thinking if in my mind it's just George Walsh Day. So I wondered if I was a fraud. And I came to the conclusion that I'm not. While I do think of my grandfather on R-Day, I do think of what the wars accomplished and I am thankful, and I do think of the young men and women who gave their lives. I'll also admit that I think more of the World Wars than some of the more contemporary wars. That I am sure is a result of my Grandpa and the stories he told me.
This has to be one of favorite poems. My Grandpa taught it me, and with the poppy, it holds special meaning to me, a link to my grandfather, if you will. I memorized it sometime in highschool and I still know it well.*
It's Remembrance Day tomorrow. Or Veterans Day here I guess. It's strange for me that there are no poppies here, to me they have such significance that it's awkward for me to not have one on my jacket. Although it's not jacket weather anyhow. So I wonder how do you acknowledge tomorrow respectfully? Happy Remembrance Day? It's not a particularly happy day, but it's an important day. It bothers me that so many people don't care and that so many work places disregard it. I know some people that get to choose, boxing day or today. They choose boxing day. Hmmm now that's some kind of bizarre pagan belief! Sheesh. Anyhow kidding aside I think today is important... it should be observed. I quit a job once because it wasn't.... (imagine the fuzziness setting in for a flash back...)
Today was a strange day. I wanted to avoid giving recaps of my day, because that is tantamount to telling you what I had for lunch. But today was a strange day.
Follow me here....
Onto the blogger scene! I mean I've only posted 195 entries... but yesterday there were 2 people who commented that I don't know! Whoot whoot.
Or is it Hippie? Like maybe our parents were Hippies with a Y and my generation are hippies with an IE.
I read this article today and I am so upset.
Today was the anniversary of my Grannie and Grampa's wedding, and it was my Grannie's birthday. If I would have had more of a choice of what day to get married on I would have chose today. However last Nov. 5 wasn't appropriate because we weren't yet engaged and we had to get married before we came down here, so that's why we were married in January. Then we had the big ceremony in June because that's when it worked well for us. I kind of link our first date anniversary with today also, so they are close and this way, I have 3 anniversaries that I get to celebrate in a year. First date, marriage and wedding.
There are some elections coming soon, and I can tell. Every time I turn on the TV there is some ad blasting me to vote yes, or no, or that yes is wrong, or that no is. Or actors can't lead, or they can, or ahhhh.... Seriously I think that if I could vote here I would go crazy. (I would vote though!) There are so many issues and you have to make a decision on all of them. Off the top of my head there is: prop 87, 85, 89 (I think), 91, and 92. I can't remember any more, but registered voters get a book that is about three quarters of an inch thick giving the pros and cons of each of them and a summary on each of the candidates running for every position.
Doesn't Bonsai make a cute witch. It was pretty nice of him to sit so still, and just look how happy he is. He's not an ornery old cat at all!
Grab onto something solid. It's 7:30 AM and I am about to go for a run. The world is going to stop spinning.
Today is the second anniversary of Adam's and my first date. It's odd, it feels just like yesterday we celebrated our first anniversary. Then in November we moved in together, celebrated another Christmas together, and another New Years. Got secretly engaged, only to tell everyone a week later. Were married January 23. Moved to California January 30th. Bought a dog, named him Chachi. Planned a wedding for June 16th, and had said wedding. Then we started trying to have a baby. And now here we are. It's been a busy year.
Stuntmother posted a comment on my last post how she has shouldered her "share of collective blame for my strange and smelly country" while she has traveled. This inspired me to explain my thoughts on traveling Canadians.
It seems as though I have touched on a wee little nerve with the Canadian vs American debate.
Last night was CRAZY!