Belated Halloween.
Doesn't Bonsai make a cute witch. It was pretty nice of him to sit so still, and just look how happy he is. He's not an ornery old cat at all!

Busted! Apparently Chachi likes Reeses Pieces! (he didn't eat any, it was an empty bag)

Bonus Pet Pictures....
Here's Bonsai squinting at the camera.
I promise we love them both equal, but Bonsai is an old cat, he likes to sleep and doens't do many cute things. Although it is funny when he slaps the dog upside the head (sans claws thankyouverymuch), or how he grabs you asyou walk by if he wants some lovin'. The best though is when he trys to grab my cereal bowl from me in the morning, 'cause he knows there's milk in it. We have some cool videos of Bonsai catching is toy mouse in the air when we throw it to him, but I'm not that techie yet....

Adam gave Chachi some Life cereal pieces and he lined them up (not in this picture) but in this one you can see him eyeballing them. He was very happy to play with them all afternoon, then he ate them.

After I dried some laundry I dumped it on the couch before I folded it. It was Chachi's favorite spot all day.

Hi…….your pictures of your animals are great I love to see pictures of my grand-animals…LOL. Looks like they had a good time for Halloween.. I think that bonsai really should be a wizard not a witch after all he is male….heheheh
Well it is football day today and it is about to start in 15 min. so thought I should read some of your blog and write some to you………
The snow has all gone that we had so that is a good thing …….it has been raining for the past couple of days …all the better for no snow.
So how was your run yesterday ….hope it was good and you were not 2 shattered when you got home.
Now lets see if I can add this to your blog with the pictures .I am writing this in word as I cannot figure out how to get these silly little pictures in to you blog….cant seem to cut and paste them so will see if this works………..have a great day and enjoy the football….hehehe that is for Adam ……I think that you will have better things to do with your time Deadra …like writing
well so much for the clip art i had you are not going to see it....Oh well not to worry..such is life.......
bye for now love you
An Insult to Canadians
Keith Urban is off my play list - WHAT AN ASS !!!
This big shot western singer asked all Canadians to stand up at the Minot (N.D.) Fair.
After everyone stood up, he asked them all to leave the stands before he would sing
because they were not helping out fighting with USA troops.
He is a New Zealander by birth (1967), then grew up in Australia (from 1969) ( he cant really call himself a new zealander he moved to that other down under place that is so like the US as far as new zealanders are concerned)
and finally in 1992 moving and living in Nashville, becoming another imported,
brainwashed yankie.
Pass this around and see how his record sales do in Canada.
Also, Garth Brooks donated 1 million to keep Canadian cattle out of the USA.
I guess this just confirms that Americans are ignorant to any other humans
in the world other than themselves. Just recently 8 Canadian Soldiers died and I
believe some died of yet another American mistake.
Pass this other Canadians
Gay, I checked out that thing about Keith Urban, and it's a myth. Just type "Keith Urban and Canada" into a search engine and you will find all sorts of stuff telling you that it's not real. Also right before the show that this email talks about he was in Canada. It also addresses the Garth Brooks bit, which is also false. Apparently there have been lots of emails similar where various stars have been accused of something similar, Jehovas, Jews and Canadians.
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