The Tweedles

Sunday, October 22, 2006

International Clean a Berkan's House Day.

I don't think that there will be hoards of people knocking at the door to clean our house, so I think that Mr. Dumm and I will have to go it alone. The Tweedles In Law (TIL) are coming into town next weekend, so I figure now is as good a time as any to break out the toothbrushes and scrub the grout. Oh the joys we are going to have today, I can bearly contain myself. To make the day even more over the top Adam gets to miss a whole football game, just to make the whole day special. He got to watch College football all day yesterday anyhow so shouldn't he be in football overload?

Yesterday I went to a scrap-a-thon where there were about 30 other scrapbookers and a few babies. It was fun, I managed to get 5 pages of my wedding album done. I seem to be having trouble breaking away from my standard style of a disorganized collage which is visually pleasing, but it doesn't leave a lot of room for journalling. A lot of the other ladies there will put 3-4 pictures on a double page spread and only matte one of them and I will put 10-12ish and overlap them, matte them and double matt them. So my pages are a little more full. I don't want to day mine are disorganized, but I take advantage of all of the extra white space. I'll try and take some pictures of the layouts and post them.

I am thinking of doing this next month. It involves writing 50, 000 words in the month. That breaks down to 2500ish words a day, which is doable. My problem is while I don't edit this, when I write for 'real' I edit a lot as I go so it's hard to just let go and just write. NaNoWriMo wants you to just write with no abandon. Dude I'm all about the abandon! So I'll have to keep you up to date on that and let you know how I'm doing, hopefully I'll make it. To 'win' you just need to get to the 50,000 words. Some people have actually managed to get published, and that would be a great side effect.

Well people I should go and get going on Mission: Soap Scum.



At 10/23/2006 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not doing NaNoWriMo, but I'm doing the blog one. One post a day, baby! I felt it was fitting after a month off.

At 10/26/2006 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting sidenote: your Google Ad today is "teach English in Korea"...

Took me a minute to realize why it was there. I was thinking "she didn't say anything about Korea today..."

I'm retarded. Carry on with your day. LOL


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