One of those days....
Last night I swore that I would make it to the gym at 10 am so that I would get a good cardio session in before I did my workout with Julie. My reasoning is that if I get there an hour before my session with her then I am forced to do cardio, I will have nothing else to do. Anyhow this was my plan. Here's what really happened:
7:40am: Alarm goes off, Adam turns it off, we go back to sleep.
9:00am: Adam gets up and takes the puppy for a pee, and brings the puppy back to me; warm sleepy puppy wants to cuddle, I oblige. Adam checks his "email".
9:15am: Adam comes back and goes for his shower, he takes a really long shower... was that email???*
9:35am: I seriously think about getting up and ask Adam to take the puppy to pee again, he says that he has to leave in 5 minutes, I panic and remind him about his lunch and breakfast.** He says he'll take care of it. Return to puppy cuddling.
9:40am: Adam kisses me goodbye, and I promise myself only 5 more minutes, after all I only want to do 40 minutes of cardio and the gym is only 7 minutes away...
10:00am: Five more minutes....
10:05am: Five more minutes....
10:10am: Five more minutes and turn over.
10:25am: OH CRAPOLA! Five minutes my ass! Fly out of bed, run through the house naked trying to find the right workout pants.
10:27am: Locate said pants, and put them on (the were hanging in the spare bathroom where they were line drying)
10:28am: Take puppy to pee, wait.
10:29am: Reward puppy.
10:30am: Remember to nourish self. Make a shake, have an idea to add honey on top of powder. It doesn't mix well, drink chunky honey'ed pastey shake. Try not to gag.
10:40am: Go to brush my teeth, grab toothpaste, squirt on toothbrush, and realize that it's hand cream.
10:40am: Curse, a lot.
10:42am: Now it's toothpaste time.
10:44am: Assemble puppy restraining devise, find puppy.
10:46am: FOund puppy, many kisses, shoes on leave.
10:47am: Go to elevator, go in, push button, notice something is wrong. The light's off, refuse to take elevator.
10:48am: Try to find stairs to basement, curse that this complex is a maze, make it to 1st floor parking, break down and take dark, scary elevator.
10:53am: Drive to gym.
10:54am: Wet pavement, skid car, miss parked fan, curse at sports car....
10:56am: Wait for stupid Jaywalker to cross, curse at him (underbreath while smiling at him).
10:59am: Arrive at gym, realize that I don't have my wallet and therefore no ID, which I need.
11:00am: Fire evil looks at the recptionist who snarked at me for not having my ID.***
11:01am: Find an empty locker ditch my stuff and meet Julie, who thankfully is always late like me.
11:01am-12:10pm: Work out like there's no tomorrow.
*I'm kidding about the implied non-email. I'm sure he checks his email and reads the news... but that isn't nearly as funny, and he did take a really long shower....
**He never eats unless I remind him, he won't eat breakfast unless I tell him what to have and he won't take a lunch unless I pack it, and although he isn't picky he does't really like lunch stuff. So I have a whole freezer full of meals that he can grab for lunch, and since they are frozen he won't have to put them in the fridge where there is no room.
***The ID checkers are lame. My last name isn't the same on my ID as it is on my gym card and they have never mentioned it. When I asked them if they have ever noticed the lady said that sometimes people have different first names, I reminded her that it was my last name that was different. So they really don't look at it, and gives me grief that I didn't have my ID... Crimony!
Well that was my morning. My workout went really well and I have some letters to some of the gym people. I'll write them later today or tomorrow. I think it's funny, but I lead a bit of a sheltered life right now.
I'm going to BC next week and I am all excited! TESSA TIME YAY!
There will be a lot of pictures!