The Tweedles

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Oh the cold, it aches my bones.

So there have been some "winter" storms here. I feel like I am in Vancouver in the spring, all of the rain, make it go away! Everyone is mumbling about the cold. (A different mumble to Adam's coctail mumble).
Today we had pasta and bolganase (can't spell) sauce. It was good, so I thought I would share my recipie.
First open two large cans to tomatoes, whole ones not crushed or anything fancy.
Then pour them through a sieve into a bowl, reserving the liquid.
Put the liquid into a pot to reduce, casue we don't want really runny sauce, and season it with whatever (I used a bay leaf, italian spice and salt and pepper)
Now go back to the tomatoes and gut them, ie, open them and remove the seeds and the juices. Put them in a baking pan with a handful of garlic cloves and a large onion cut up into big pieces, season with salt and pepper and olive oil, bake off in the oven at a highish heat stirrng frequently until nice and caramel-ey.
Don't forget to stir the boiling stuff on the stove.
Oh yeah remember to preheat the oven.
Sit and watch tv, and let the stuff, uhh... do it's stuff.
Stir both.
Dig in cupboard for blender (casue you aren't lucky enough to have a food processor)
Assemble said blender.
Search through bins in the fridge for appropriate veggies, find carrots and a whole mass of parsley and cilantro.
Dump the bag of carrots into the blender and blend, of course it doesn't work it's a blender not a food processor.
Throw a handful of garlic in for good measure.
Silently pat yourself on the back for buying already peeled garlic.
Have an a-ha moment and pour in a can of V-8 into the blender with the carrots.
It blends.
Do a happy dance.
Rummage in the bag of parsly and rip off a handful, rinse and add to carrot mixture.
Cautiously reach into the bag of cilantro for a handful, be amazed that it's not gooey since it's been int he fridge since superbowl, rinse and add to carrot mixture.
Watch the blended stuff whiz around all happily.
Stir the other 2 things.
Remember that Adam likes meat.
Find meat in the way-too-full freezer and drop unceremoniously into the sink, go back to the blender.
Think that it needs more veggies.... but you have fennel, turnips, peas, zucchini and eggplant, not good saucy stuff.... decide on onions.
Find onion, peel and chop, add to blender.
Be astonished at the puke green colour.
Dump into pot with tomatoe juice reduction.
Taste, find it to be flavourful but not bright.
Add basalmic vinegar.
Taste, YUM!
Check on baking tomatoes, stir.
Find fry pan and cook meat.
Watch TV.
Stir meat, and cover, you don't want to mess the kitchen that you worked hard on cleaning over the weekend.
Stir tomatoe stuff on stove top, notice the weird colour, smells good though.
Check tomatoes in oven, they are done, put on counter.
Stir them and kinda mash them, especially the now roasted garlic.
Stir it all up, complimenting yourself.
Add to the stove top mix, stir, taste, marvel.
Check meat.
Scrape cooked meat off of frozen meat, put on cover.
Stir sauce.
Clean the dishes that have accmulated everywhere.
Check meat, scrape and wait.
Clean more.
Check meat, all cooked, check for pink, find none, add to tomatoe.
Bring a big ol' pot of water to boil.
Salt it.
Stir sauce.
Add pasta to water.
Yay pasta is done.
Drain it, but by using the lid, dropoping pasta down the drain, but it's ok cause you have a garberator, and it's cool.
Curse really loud casue you splashed yourself with hot water, keep draining, becasuse you MUST NOT PUT THE POT DOWN, casue that would be sensible.
Make salad, with vinigarette.
Taste sauce, add a glug glug of wine, (the stuff in the fridge which you don't really like, but is still good, it's just that you've become a bit of a wine snob.) cause the wine disolves somthing in the tomatoes which makes them taste better. And duh it's wine you can't go wrong!
YAY husband likes it!

So that was my evening....


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