Throught the company that we have the website through we can monitor our statistics for this site. Like how many people read it in a day, (Sept 15 had 27 visitors), how long they read for (the average is 30 seconds or less) and a total of how many hits over all (roughly 2000). My favorite thing to check is what people search that brings them to the site.
Here's the list.
#1- Deadra Harker Berkan (I like being #1!)
#2- Tweedles
#3- puss ey (this is where it gets a little strange)
#4- baby sleep schools tweedles (I have no clue....)
#5- mix with beer pee blue (I think we should thank Adam for that one!)
#6- fire drill lesson
#7- should I take my car to gm goodwrench (HELL NO!)
#8- femininity holly kendra hugh bridget (I love that show!)
#9- everyone poos (And Adam does it exceptionally well!)
#10- perfect thigh measurement for a girl (I wonder what I wrote to have someone sent here for this?)
#11- san francisco haloween decorations (their spelling mistake not mine)
#12- colbert donahue catholic (I still think that guy is an arse)
#13- flavour of love (I love that show!)
#14- supernova
#15- elloitt yamin
#16- rockstar canada
#17- replace that busted side mirror yourself (and don't take it to GM Goodwrench!)
#18- tweedles quarks
#19- click (I don't get why this sent someone....)
#20- white puss like worms inmouth (uhmmm ewww... seek medical help!)
#21- febreeze and cancer (is there a relation? 'cause I use it all the time!)
#22- stagette calgary the mint
#23- the tweedles (that's us!)
Clearly I write about weird stuff that makes people scratch their heads and wonder why Google told them to see us. (MSN also told people to come and see us, and 7 people came to see us from another unknown search engine)
My friend
Lisa over at Random Outlaw has sent the most people over here. Go and see her, say hi, she's great! I will figure out how to link to her somehow, but I'm not so computer savvy. Although I did marry a computer geek, I will make use of his still soon!
So yes, googling* is fun! Keep doing it and see what strange things will send you here. It amuses me.
*you know you've made it big when you've been verbed, what would deadraed mean? or tweedled? or deaed? Let me know.