Google Ad Sense.
I know that some of you have noticed that there is a little advertisey thingy on the side bar. The more you click on it the more we make. Also depending on where it sends you dictates what we get per click. When it was advertising gym stuff we were making more money. But now? Not so much. Apparently there has been one person clicking it every day, and I love her to pieces, but the Google man? He's a wise grasshopper and realized that it's the same person clicking on it every day and now that person doesn't generate anything for us any more. Oh well.
So I just checked my post just below this one after I published it and I notice that the ad is for drainage covers and manhole covers. Seeing that the ads are related to the content, when in heaven's name was I talking about ditches and manholes? When? Or is Google telling me something, that what I write is sewer worthy?
I've got's the warm fuzzies now!
Clearly Google has no sense, and therefore I get no cents!
(ha oh my, that was a belly buster!)
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