Lions and Tiger and Bears
I could handle, but pidgeons? Ewww! They're dirty and nasty and eww!
We have a couple that live in the storm drain on our balcony. To try and scare them away we've been letting Bonsai sit out there. Unfortunatly they are cocky pidgeons and they arne't scared by Bonsai the Massive. We tried using the annoying one, Chachi Puppinkins, but again they aren't bothered, and all Chachi does is eat their poop. (Which freaked me out, so we don't let him on the balcony anymore, and I don't think he actually ate any, just picked a piece up and I scared him enough that he dropped it right away.) Being at a loss what to do I asked my mom and she suggested that we get a fake owl, and I've noticed that some of my neighbours have owls on their balconys too. But then Adam discovered why they are so determined to stick around. The little buggars laid eggs in the drain!

2 Comments: could always try the not-so-politically-correct way....get a beebee gun. This could be quite entertaining, though on the other hand, it might get you in trouble with the neighbours.....
Aww.. they nested in your house... they want to make YOUR HOUSE into THEIR HOUSE. Maybe they look up to you... that would be cute if it wasn't BIRDS.. ugh.. I hate birds...
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