I am, in fact, not dead.
I've been soaking in some of this.

How cute!

Also some of this.
I have more pictures of this weekend, but they are on the camera. I promise to regale you with them next week.
This weekend we went climbing with my brother and his fiancee. They were both great at it. Bart had a slight iffy moment at the top of his first run, but quickly got over the height fear and muscled his way up several more runs. He couldn't lift his hand the next day. Suddenly form is much more important.
We also went to San Francisco. We walked around China Town, which is hilly. Normally I wouldn't mention the hilly-ness, but I was carrying a 2 year old. She wouldn't walk, and didn't want anyone but "AUNTIE!" to carry her. It was a good work out. We had to go in 2 cars and so Adam and I were in Maggie with Tessa and the rest of them were in my mom's car with Bart driving. So Bart made Adam promise to drive nicely. As we were leaving SF Adam thought he would take Bart on a little tour. We went up and down the roller-coastery hills in residential SF and finally made our way to Lombard Street which is the "crookedest street in the world". Bart loved it!
We also drove across the Golden Gate Bridge and finally went home. All tired and well toured out.
I went to Napa with the finacee, (Krista) and my mom. I've come to the conclusion that I prefer Sonoma, it's cheaper and the wine is as good, but mostly Sonoma is far less pretentious. Pretention doesn't go well with my Chardonnay.
And we swam in the pool a lot. Or as Tessa calls it "wimming". (I love her cute little baby lisp)
And now I will leave you with a Tessa dictionary.
Swimming is wimming
Colouring is cu-lour
Paper is pa-pee-ier
Bonasi is Bon-see
Fit ball is bouncy
Uncle Adam is Uncle Nadam, or just Uncle
Chachi is Cha-CHI
well I could go on but I won't.
sounds like you had lots of fun with the your company.....
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