It's late and I should be all cuddled in bed trying to get over my killer cold, but alas my pregnant body will not let me relax. I've been blessed with the evil restless legs and lovely heartburn. I would love to complain about how I'm DONE being pregnant, but really and truly I'm not done. I'm not disliking it as much as I assume I should be after reading accounts of how much other women hate being in the late stages of pregnancy. Rather I am enjoying it. Granted I do not like the discomforts, but I do like feeling the baby move. I really love the anticipation of what's to come. And golly lolly after the rigamarole it took to get here, I am not going to take it for granted and wish it away. I am anxious to see this little being who like to make it hurt to take deep breaths, I'm not going to say I want to meet her because I know her quite well. She's really feisty, she doesn't like any pressure at all, and will fight it. I wonder if she will like being swaddled. She gets a little pissy when I have a contraction and when it ends she goes on a little rampage (it's little because she's confined). She will not participate in the daily "let the Daddy feel you" game, she gets all quiet then retaliates by dancing on my bladder.
Adam and I wonder what she will look like. I think, based on ultrasounds that she has my nose, and I hope so! We debate eye colour. Adam would love blue, and I think that she will have blue, but only because green is so less common, and especially my true green. Really I'll be happy with just her having eyes. (which is predicted)
Anyhow while we're on the topic, it seems my blood pressure has evened out. I don't know if is because of the acupuncture or if it's all because the nurse was an idiot. I think it's a little of both. Long story shortened, the nurse didn't get a proper reading (Lisa you were right), it freaked me out, which made a proper reading high, my cuff is a piece of crap, the doctor suggested pre-e twice, I had many tests, proceeded to get more stressed, hospital visit, all is well, doctor visit all is well, new home cuff and my bp is perfect. So home birth, ON! I'm still seeing the acupuncturist who is also going to help me learn to relax, which is quite the skill apparently and one that I've never really had. I've never been one to deal with stress well, which is a reason I am so sick now. (And the reason I had to miss
Regan's birthday party...)
Speaking of the acupuncturist. Whoo whee it's interesting. Adam doesn't really follow that train of thought at all, which I can understand, it's quite different. I can follow it a little better, but I still have trouble understanding chi and vibrations. However after my session on Friday I can breathe easier (she was helping with my cold in addition to the high blood pressure). I also had an acupressure session, which was so, so nice. I expected it to be a lot more intense, but it was gentle and relaxing. Ahem, More please! The needles for the acupuncture are really strange. They don't hurt going in, but when she twiddles them they send some searing jabs up your arm, or where ever they are. I feel like there should be gaping holes in me, but I can never see them after she takes the needles away. It's really rather interesting, although a little pricey.
Okay it's midnight nineteen and I'm dead tired, and this has gone beyond rambly to incoherent.
Labels: it's all about me, Murp