The Tweedles

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Ohhh that waskally blogger!

My absence can be explained, I promise. Apparently the people we use the host our page was moving something or changing somehow and it wasn't letting me upload my entries. But now I see that it has allowed it, so I'm back! To be fair it wasn't blogger, but I can't remember the name of the host. So there.

Nothing much is new here.
I've had some fun health stuff. After a perfect pregnancy I've been plagued with high blood pressure. There has been lots of talk of pre-eclampsia, which is hella scary! But it looks like it's not that, perhaps pregnancy induced hypertension? I don't know. Yesterday at the midwife appointment it was perfect and normal, but when I take it today it's scary high. I'm almost inclined to think that it's my blood pressure cuff, with a little hypertension mixed in. So we did have to make the trek to the hospital when I had a really scary reading but all was well, and I was discharged on house arrest. Not quite bed rest, but could be soon.
Sucky deal!
I still might be able to have a home birth, which we all know I really want. But if I have to have a hospital birth so I don't die, I'll go to the hospital. And then I'll try for a home birth with the next one.
I've been seeing an acupuncturist to try and bring my blood pressure down. It's strange to lay there when you know there are multiple needles sticking out of you. But if it works I'm not going to stop. Poor Adam is having troubles accepting that acupuncture could work. I'm really making him look beyond what he's accustomed to regarding science and such with this pregnancy. But he's willing to, and I love him for it.
My doctor had me do a 24 hour urine test. Which is gross and no one wants to hear about it, but have you ever wondered how much you pee in a whole day? It's crazy. So to do the test you pee in a cup and pour it in a big ol' jug. I nearly filled two 3- litre jugs! Dude that's a lot of pee! Hee hee, then poor Adam had to carry it into the hospital, after all I was going there assuming that I was about to die with my freaky high blood pressure, carrying 5 litres of liquid wasn't good for me.
So there have been my last few days summed up, oh and I have a killer cold.
To recap,
high blood pressure, not sure why
sometimes normal blood pressure, confusing
needles all over, funny
jug o' pee, gross, yet amusing
nasty cold, evil, but expected (this is what my body does when I'm stressed)

Happy Hump Day!

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At 1/09/2008 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had PIH with Ali. It was no big deal. I can't remember your exact due date, but it's next month, right? I got PIH about 3-4 weeks before I was due with him. You just need to rest and try not to worry. This one (bitch) nurse in the hospital scared me so bad I was crying and calling lawyers to see how much a will was. My mom was trying to calm me down, but I was so upset and freaking out. I was on modified bed rest for 2.5 weeks (or so) before the Moosh was born.

So just try to take it easy and make SURE they are using the right size cuff on you. I have deceptively large arms and they are always using the wrong cuff on me.


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