The Tweedles

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A home birth

As of last weekend all of the baby's grandparents know that we are planning a home birth. Even though I know I am an adult and allowed to make my own decisions there are some* really conservative people in my life and I had a haunch that they wouldn't adapt to the idea well. So when I told my dad I braced myself for what was to come, and then nothing! He's pro-home birthing! Whaaaa? This was the same guy who told me that I probably wouldn't be able to handle the pain and probably would need a c-section because I'm short. Needless to say I'm happy that he's all for it.
When I told my mom, she said that she guessed that I would have ended up having a home birth, which I thought was funny because I didn't know, and yet another friend said the same thing. I guess I just give off that vibe. Interesting....
Adam's family has been a lot more hesitant on the whole home birth idea. To be fair no one has come out and said it's a bad idea, they just ask questions to make sure we've thought it through and know what could happen and that we have back-up. Initially I was really upset that they asked these things. After all I'm 30, I have a clue, and it's not like I'm planning to give birth in a bathroom stall in a mall or anything. Once my hormone induced pout passed I realized they just care, but they don't really know me that well. My family does, they know that I will think through my decisions and that I am going to make sure everything is in place, and they care too, they care enough to not question me and to trust that I'll do what's best for me. (They know that I am ruthlessly independent, and smart enough to make informed choices.)
Now I wonder what raising our child will be like. I know am going to be that liberal parent with strange ideas that my family and Adam's family isn't used to. I'm sure my head will explode, many times over, but I'm sure it will be from them loving my baby, and they'll learn. My family did, Adam's family will too- after all I'm just that stubborn.

*by some I mean all, including Adam, although I'm working on him, and he's coming over to the good side.

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At 12/10/2007 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear you on that! I love that, "What if something happens?" Another homebirther & I were joking about it - what on earth do they expect you to say? "Uhhh...I don't know. I hadn't considered that. Well, hopefully no one will die." But, like you said, the question comes from a good place...

It's so sad that HB'ing seems so scary & alien to people. I hope our birth will inspire other friends to consider giving it a go - & I hope yours does the same!


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