The Tweedles

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hey! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

This year was a little crazy. Adam's parents and brother came into town last weekend and the insanity started. By insanity I mean my crazy cooking marathon, which utterly drained me.
However I did manage to impress my in laws and some friends, unless they are all lying to me!
For Christmas Eve I made a lamb roast, with roast potatoes, roast carrots and onions and a pear and Gorgonzola salad and for desert home made ice cream and baked English pudding. Everyone seemed to like it!
For Christmas dinner I made a very large turkey which I stuffed with oranges, onions, garlic and herbs. I baked it for much less that the Internet told me to and it came out perfect and moist, however because it was more moist it wasn't falling off of the bones, but that makes for dry turkey. In any case I was very proud of my turkey. I also made sausage dressing, mashed potatoes, home made cranberry sauce, sauteed beans with artichokes and a very large, yummy pumpkin and ginger trifle. And the best of the whole meal? The Yorkshire puddings my husband made. He did a great job, they were the perfect puffiness and so yummy. If I hadn't already been overheating and red faced from the many braxton contractions from doing so much I would have beamed at him for doing such a good job!
I also made hearty breakfasts and many many appies and snacks. I clearly overdid it. Adam's brother asked if I was trying to kill him with food. Then he asked Adam, in hushed tones, if I was going to keep feeding them on Boxing day, but Adam assured him that I had tortured him with yummy food enough. But it was the first Christmas I hosted with my in laws here. I had to overdo it, 32 weeks pregnant or not! Although I might arrange to not be so pregnant next time!

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At 12/31/2007 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One day I will steal some of your cooking ability.
Until then, can you come here and cook for a while?? LOL
Hugs :) Talk to you soon.


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