Dear Beatrix,
Today you are 4 months old!
This month we drove to Canada to visit lots of family again and you were a real trooper on the 2.5 day drive from Silicon Valley to Alberta. You amaze me at how easily you roll with the punches, taking everything in stride and making this parenting gig seem easy.

This month you've continued to giggle and bless your Mama and Daddy with your gleaming smiles. I still am in awe that I am so lucky to have you! I think that I will be in awe for a while since I am still amazed that I am married to your Daddy and that we have such a wonderful life.
This month was rather busy for you. Papa (my dad) was out for a long visit and you got to know him really well. Daddy turned 30 and you helped to celebrate his birthday.
(here you are with your Daddy and his Lego shaped birthday cakes, you couldn't take your eyes off of them!)
Physically you are still a petite little baby, being about the same size as your 2 month old friends, but developmentally you are a four month old baby.
(here you are with your cousin Liam, he is 2 months younger than you, and you are the same size, although he can't stand like you and doesn't have the head control that you do.)

You love faces and enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror. You only want to stand and spend a lot of time standing on Mama's lap. Daddy recently found out that you can stand holding on to furnature and you will stand for long stretches of time taking everything in, enjoying your newfound perspective.
Your favourite toys right now are your O ball, your fuzzy rattle and Mama's hair! When you wake up quietly in the morning you will play with Mama's hair ever so gently, just touching it, until you get bored of that game and give it a tug, reminding Mama that it's time to wake up.

When we arrived in Calgary your Great Aunt Joanne had a present for you which was a fuzzy purple spider which you seem to enjoy wrestling. You are able to grasp things a lot easier than you did earlier this month and are grabbing for toys and play things more and more.

I think your eyes have finally settled into the colour that they are going to be. They are the exact same shade of corn flower blue as your Daddy's. I will often get compliments on how you and I have the same eyes, I guess most people think that green and blue are the same colour!

You have started to notice the pets a lot more recently and I can sometimes find you trying to pet Chachi who is often camped out near you since you are always near the soft stuff and goodness knows that dog does not like to place his royal heiney on anything hard! Chachi tolerates your attempts at petting, but I do supervise because while he'll tolerate it I don't want to push him past his limits. I hope for you two to be great friends since he will be around for a long time. Bonsai on the other hand, is a grumpy old man and has bearly noticed you, and you him. Although you will take a swipe at him when he's near. I do really need to watch him, he's not so fond of children, I hope that he will mellow out with even more age and learn to love you. Until then, just ignore him, 'kay. I do wonder though if your first words will be "Shut up Bonsai!" since we yell that often 'cause he likes to wander around the house yodeling!
I think you are starting to sprout some teeth. I've based this guess on the massive amount of drool that you've started to generate and your cheeks are getting a bit of a rosy glow, and by rosy I mean scarlett hue! You've also gone from gently sucking your fingers to madly sucking them in between gnawing on them like a trapped animal. I make you wear a bib now most of the time to catch the copious amounts of drool and I seem to wipe your chin every couple minutes with the bib. I think I might be one of those moms forever chasing you down with a wash cloth in fear that you will get dirty. I promise that I will work on this or toddlerhood will make us both crazy!
Trixie, I continue to marvel at how blessed I am to have you. I really do think that I am the luckiest Mama in the whole wide world. I love you more every day, which I didn't think was possible because I already love you so much, but my love for you keeps growing. It's amazing. Nothing compares to parenthood. This is clearly the best useage of my life.
love Mama.
Labels: monthy letters