The Tweedles

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Some Booky Love.

She tagged me to do a meme about books. This is an interesting meme for me becasue I am a total book geek/ book hoarder. I have this strange thing wherein I have a hard tome to get rid of a book I've read and I like to own all of the book I've read. For this reason libraries, while amazing and seductive are hard for me because I can't own all of the books I read. (I'm a little weird, I know)
Anyhow on with the meme!

Total number of books I've owned:
I have no idea. I recently did a book purge (which pained me, but I needed more space for more books!) Right now I have about 500, the total number I've owned in my life is much greater than that. I have no idea.

Last book I bought:
I'm on a book buying spree for Trixie, the latest being Canada in Colours by Per-Henrick Gurth.

The last book I read:
Our Babies, Ourselves: How Biology and Culture Shape the Way We Parent. by Meredith F. Small.
Normally I read fiction, but since I am making a lot of non mainstream parenting choices it's nice to read a book that shows that the choices I make are actually more common across the world.

5 books that mean something to me:
1. Little Women by Lousia May Alcott
2. Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery (actually the whole series, especially the last one #8 which is Rilla of the Island)
3. The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
4. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
5. Are You There God? It's Me Margaret by Judy Blume
and secret #6 Flowers in the Attic by V. Andrews (so twisted and opened a whole world of messed up stories for me)
secret #7 From The Corner of His Eye by Dean Koontz (so suspensy and so addicting)
secret #8 The Farmer Wants a Wife by Maeve Haren (she's a British author and has this really amazing dry wit that I love so, also see Mike Gayle)

5 people who should answer these questions....
how about you do it and then get back to me!



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