3 months
Dear Trixie,
Today you are 3 months old. My little darling you are this close to being an old lady! Well not really, but if you keep changing at this rate I wouldn't doubt it! Every day there is something new that you learn or discover. You are still facinated with your hands and will spent a lot of time studying them, but now you are practicing grasping things and moving them. Your daddy and I have noticed that you seem to favour your left hand, so we think you're going to be left handed. I'm excited about this because historically some of the most creative people have been left handed!
This month Daddy and I bought you a Bumbo seat so that you can sit up and you seem to really love it. We'll sit you in it in front of your dangling toys so you can see them at another level, this seems to amuse you, and you tug and pull at them. I've also started reading you stories while you sit in your little seat and you love the stories. I hope you love reading as much as I do, and to help you be a reader I am buying you lots of books to build you a good library. Daddy pretends to be mad at me for buying you more books, but I know he's joking, he wants you to be a little reader too!
And speaking of giggles. You've learned to giggle and it's the greatest sound I've ever heard. I can get you to erupt into giggles by saying to you "ah-goo" which is your favorite phrase. Today I made you giggle by bouncing you on my knee. I think you will be ready for a jolly jumper soon. You will stand now with a lot of assistance and really seem to like standing, it always brings out lots of smiles. So far you aren't pulling or trying to stand on your own, but you will straighten and put weight on your legs when someone holds you in a standing position. Daddy likes to fly you around the room and you hold your head up really well while he does this. You are getting so strong, it's amazing to watch you grow.
This past week I joined a play group that has other Mama with babies born this year and 2006. It's been nice to talk to other people in the same place as we are and see other children who are a little older. It's really made me get excited for you to be a toddler, but I still don't want you to grow up too fast. I think you will have lots of fun with all of the other babies that we are meeting! So far you just sleep when we are around them. I wonder if some of the other moms think that maybe you sleep all of the time!
Oh and Trixie, my little sweetie girl, what's with the drooling? Aren't you too little to be cutting teeth? And it's not like you really drool, but rather you blow bubbles which pop and turn into drool. It's become such a habit for you that you've started doing it in your sleep. I'll hear you 'pffft' and I'll see a little patch of bubbles sitting on your sweet little rosebud lips, but soon you'll do it again, and again and eventually you have a bubble beard if I'm not careful and wipe them up as you make them. I think you are proud of your bubble beards, but my little darling, it's kinda gross, so I'll keep wiping them up, okay.
Another little habit you've developed is this cute, yet annoying way of trying to swipe at your bottle while I am feeding you. It's like you want to put your hands in your mouth and hold your bottle all at the same time. Or perhaps you have no idea what you are doing and you are just flailing them willy nilly. If this is the case, well I'll deal with it since I am bigger and can deal with it. Most times when you eat though you just curl your hands up under your bottle and chug away making the cutest noises ever!
I'm really excited to see what your 4th month brings us. We have another trip to Canada planned, we're going to visit some more friends and you will get to meet a lot more relatives.
love Mama.
Labels: monthy letters
She's adorable Dea
Great pictures!! These, and the family ones above.
Can hardly wait to see her again.
And you, of course... LOL
p.s. Grr. This stupid comment thingy won't let me post using just my name anymore... I must now be anonymous and TYPE my name in
OMG... she is just too precious! It's great to read about her progress (as it's amazing how quickly they grow up and you forget about the little things that make you so excited, like them playing with their hands, or sitting up!)
And that sweet sound of baby laughter... I wish I could bottle it.
Can't wait to see you in July!
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