Hello, I am in fact, not dead. Hurray.
I would like to say I've been busy, and I have been kinda. But the longer I waited to post, the more pressure there was, and then I knew I had to have the perfect post and
ahhhhrg. Here it is, I'm sure it won't be perfect. I've already dealt with it, now it's your turn.
So my dad and Gay were here for 10 days. We went wine tasting, went to SF and did all of the touristy things and tooled around here commenting on the heat. Fun was had by all, most days. I've discovered my dad is a picky eater, and authentic
cuisine isn't to his taste. Which I've noticed in other people who are from a very
Caucasian areas such as the
Okanagan Valley. Chinese food there is greasy, and to my palate, nasty. Here it's much more authentic and tastes different that Smith's Chinese
Restaurant, found down town Small Town British Columbia. My dad didn't like it so much. Oh well, it was amusing for me to watch him eat a cheese burger at a Mexican place because he's adamant that he doesn't like roll-ups (burritos in Dad speak). All in all it was fun.
My little brother turned 28 2 weeks ago. Frightening.
Murp is all
Murpy. I don't have much to report. I have been having
interesting bouts of wicked motion sickness in the car. I've resorted to having a puke bag nearby at all times while in the car. This development is strange and it sucks! Let me tell you though, this baby had better be really cute!
Adam and I have been looking at some townhouses. They are painfully expensive, but so pretty. After dealing with the
possessed shower (which
oscillates between hot and cold all of the time) and all of the bloody ants, a new place is so welcoming. The draw back? Our favorite place, which is a 3 bedroom 1600 square foot place is nearly 800K! Sigh. I don't think I can sell a kidney for that much, even if I gold plated it! Also in the past couple weeks the jumbo
mortgages around here have tanked, which makes getting a mortgage hard. A lot of lenders are being extra cautious, so lending to non-permanent residents isn't their top priorities. So it looks like we're going to have to wait a little and see what the market does and how the rates react. Hopefully the market will drop a little, rates will stabilize and we can buy. Then the market will skyrocket and we will rejoice.
Bonsai turned 10 this month. In people years he's like 50, him and my dad seem to have a lot in common. Okay I am totally kidding. Bonsai, has much more hair!
Chachi is the same, goofy as ever.
Hmm well there is the post that people have been begging for. I actually have another post planned all full of insight, but I'm tired and my head hurts.
Labels: Adam and me, California, Chachi, Dad and Gay, fun with pets, house, Murp, pets