The Tweedles

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Chachi tried to commit suicide!

I had a half eaten chocolate protein bar* on the coffee table in the living room and the phone rang so I went to answer it and when I came back the bar was gone. So obviously the small brown beast had taken it, leaving me to run around like a headless chicken to find the left overs. He had eaten about a third of a total bar, which put me into full on panic mode. I tried to call the vet's emergency line but it was busy, for nearly an hour! So when Adam got home we jumped back into the car and drove him to the vet. All the while I was frantically dialing and redialing the vet hoping to get through. When I finally did we were nearly there, and they suggested to bring him in to induce vomiting to get the chocolate out. However as luck would have it there wasn't enough chocolate in the bar to hurt him. He may have a tummy ache, but he will be okay.
Honestly can he just not put something his gaping maw? Yeah, didn't think so. Granted I shouldn't have left the bar on the table, but my brain isn't working to it's full capacity lately. Adam blames the parasite. Also the little bugger (the dog, not the Murp) knows not to take things off of the table. But his little walnut brain doesn't work well apparently when enticed with food.
Anyhow, luckily for us the vet didn't charge us anything, which is great since we've already paid for a semester at Stanford for his kids with all of the other surgeries that Chachi's had.

*I'm not eating them 'cause I love them, but rather I need 100 grams of protien a day. That's a whole heck of a lot of hard boiled eggs. Oh and did I mention I don't like eggs?



At 8/29/2007 6:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG Chachi, what is your ISSUE??
Crazy ass dog.

At 8/29/2007 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your dog is nutso.

I hate eggs, too. We really are oddly alike!


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