The Tweedles

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Driving Restricitons in China

I just read this, and initially it made me giggle. It seems so drastic to restrict driving in this manner. (Cars with even numbered plates can drive on one day and odd numbered on the next.) However I guess I shouldn't be shocked, this is from the country who've implemented, successfully a system that only allows one child per family....



At 7/21/2008 3:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This isn't a new idea. Mexico city, and I believe some other places, have had a similar policy for years. The idea is that you pair up with someone with the other plate and carpool.

Unfortunately, Mexico City is very polarized by income, so the rich are very rich and the poor are very poor. What happens is that rich people just buy two cars. And the poor weren't driving in the first place.


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