The Tweedles

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Sweet Syrup

I had a CT scan yesterday and with my cold I have been close to drinking the cough syrup on a regular basis to try to calm the seal barks. And there inlaid a problem. The cough syrup, at just the regular adult dose, gets me drunk. Not all crazy and alurry drunk, but a little bit wobbly and at a point I know I can't drive. So yesterday I couldn't take the syrup. I NEED THE SYRUP! I need it because without it I sound like I am going to die! Also I was going to a hospital, if you sound like I do, they tend to make you wear a SARS mask. Now I know that Ray can wear one with ease, but I don't want to wear one, it makes me feel all chokey. Anyhow long story short, I was a good girl, I went sans syrup. But let me tell you as soon as I got home, I took some.
And for those who care, my cold is a little better. My cough has changed, it's not such a painful dry cought, but it is so much more body wracking, but it doesn't hurt as much. YAY!


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