The Tweedles

Thursday, November 08, 2007

99 days

Holy moly. I have 99 days left of my pregnancy if you count Feb. 16 as my due date. (which is according to the last ultrasounds)
So I thought a sing a long would be fun.

99 days of this pregnancy to go.
99 days left to go.
Finish today and move on again,
98 days of this pregnancy left to go.

However since most first pregnancies last until the 41st week, this song doesn't work. Sigh, but "99 days until my estimated due date" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Speaking of due dates, Feb. 16th is Adam's mom's birthday, and Feb. 9th is his Aunt's, so I commented that with Valentines Day this poor baby has a mine field to avoid so that she can have her own day. Anyhow apparently I might have hurt some feelings with this comment. I didn't mean to, but I don't think it's wrong that I hope she is born on her own day, not Valentines Day (which would be the worst) and so that she can have her own birthday.
But that's just classic me over thinking and putting my foot in my mouth.

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At 11/09/2007 11:20 AM, Blogger Ze Ace said...

Plus the kid needs to avoid Feb 29th... Lots of minefields...


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