The Tweedles

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

In the Past.

While I was in Calgary I dated lots of people. (Dated, in the sense that I would go on a date with someone and we would both retire to our respective homes when the date ended, no hanky panky.) Now that I am all married and living down in Northern Calfornia, the land of sunshine and lollypops, I am occasionally met with a blast from my past.
Just today I was IMed by some random guy that I went on a couple dates with. Initially I had no clue who he was, or what he wanted, I just figured he was some spammer or something. He reminded me that we went out a couple times a year ago. He explained what we did, (some random movie) and I remembered, and told him it was more like three years ago. We exchanged a few sentences about how time flies, yadda yadda yadda, and then he asked me if I was still in Calgary. I explained to him that I live in California now. Then he asked how long, and I replied that I've been here just over a year. Then nothing, the conversation ends, and he doesn't reply.
This conversation abandonment leads me to a couple conclusions: firstly that he is a dog, and just lookin' for a booty call, and he must be desperate 'cause I didn't give it up three years ago, why would I now? Secondly, clearly my dog-dar was not all that tuned a couple years ago, and in retrospect, it never was. And finally, even now, three years later and married; the boys- they know quality when they meet it!



At 3/05/2007 11:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You flatter yourself. I think it's more about quantity than quality. If he was looking for a booty call then maybe your booty used to pick up. Just sayin'...

At 3/06/2007 1:18 PM, Blogger TweedleDea said...

Oh honey, just 'cause your booty picks up all the calls, doesn't mean that all booties do.

At 3/10/2007 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

IN THE PAST you said that you didn't believe in censoring the comments of your readers. Now, it appears you could not take the heat and have removed all trace of anyone who would criticize your blog or its self-righteous nature.

Where are the "Dear Anonymous(es)" now? You are quick to contradict yourself and to censor your readers. I guess you couldn't take what the blogging community was trying to tell you.

I guess it is time to run away and start a new blog after all. Maybe you should also password it.

At 3/10/2007 12:45 PM, Blogger TweedleDea said...

I took down the Dear Anonymous(es) because I didn't want it in my archives, I took down my posts, it was a side effect that the comments went with it.


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