The Tweedles

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I (heart) a Bosu.

What's a Bosu you ask. It's a lovely work out-ey thing-a-ma-jig. (Being in California has made me so hip) So today when I was working I was using it. It's great fun, and so versatile. But the reason I'm talking about it is that I was doing one legged squats on it, with the balley side down, so I was standing on the flat side. I don't know if that makes it harder than on the other side, mostly I guess it works different parts. When the ball side is down then you really have to stabilize with your core and big leg muscles. When the ball side is up, you have to stabilize with your feet and ankles. Personally I like the ball side down.
Well that's all I have to say, I just wanted to share that with the world.
Oh and also, I'm still alive, I haven't frozen to death. 'Cause did you know? A record was set yesterday, it was the coldest ever! It reached zero celcius.
We're all going to freeze to death down here. Send help.

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At 12/20/2006 10:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well this Bosu thing-ey looks interesting……. you can stand on it…..a bit out of my league I fear. I know “who” would love it……..yes that’s right that little Tessa girl would have a blast with that……way to go Deadra. Does not look like fun to me. I bet you get an awesome work out with it.
I think that you should come home for a bit ….just to refresh your memory regarding what is cold and what is not. …..I think that you have been exposed to the California weather for way to long, you really “need” to come home and get some winter weather.
California seems to be having some effect on you and I am not sure that is a good thing…..LOL......” out-ey thing-a-ma-jig….LOL”
Have a good day and I hope that you are looking forward to your next work out with Bosu………..


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