The Tweedles

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

17 month newsletter

Dearest Beatrix,
A couple of days ago you turned 17 months while we were on vacation. I think the vacation was really hard on you. We went to a lot of places and saw a lot of people, and while you are undeniably cute you didn't transition as well and reminded me that we are firmly in the toddler times! To be fair we asked a lot of you this trip. We went to 5 different cities in 10 days, you had to sleep in 6 different beds in 10 days and were introduced to countless new people. I understand why this trip was hard for you, then to make it harder you cut 2 teeth while we were gone, on of which is a molar, and to make it worse we experienced crazy heat. So really you are a trooper, any adult in your position would have totally went crazy!
Your mobility has improved a lot this month. You've learned how to stomp your feet and you stomp a lot, and when you walk and stomp you do this adorable goose step which makes me giggle. You've also perfected the toddler sprint, toddler jog and toddler saunter, all of which make your wee cheeks bounce in the most adorable way. Whenever Daddy comes home from work and you hear the garage door go up you run laps around the house yelling from pure joy. It's pretty cute!
Your eating is still plaguing me. I wish you would be a more excitable eater. But you aren't. I can get you to eat berries and bananas, but much more than that is hard. Not to say you're picky, you just don't always want to eat. Luckily I can get a decent meal into you about every other day, and you pick along the rest of the time. On the days that you eat more than one decent meal I am very happy! Let's try for more of that, okay? You are growing okay though, so I am not that worried. We're still on toddler formula, which I am happy about. The way I see it, if you were able to breastfeed you would still be doing that, and I hope that the formula fills in the gaps in your diet from not eating enough. You're funny about your bottles though, you'll only have milk in a bottle, never a sippy, and vice versa for juice and water. I think you're going to have some funny quirks like me, I think this month we'll work on learning to fold laundry into perfect squares just to start you on the good quirky road!
Your language skills continue to amaze me! I would guess that you know about 50 signs and now you're starting to sign and use words at the same time. We talk a lot about balls, birds, shoes, dogs and bananas, which all seem to be your favourite words. (Along with Mama and Daddy, Dada, or Dado.) This month we started to work on colours to go along with the animal signs you already know. You're really picking them up quickly, it's really amazing!
The other day in the car while we were driving on our trip you were asking for the sunroof to be opened, so Gramma tricked you and only opened it a couple of inches and you looked at it, and then signed "more open please" with no prompting or reminding of any words. We were all shocked and amazed since you reserve your 3 word sentences for food related things.
You have developed a silly little sense of humour which cracks me and your daddy up. While on our trip we stopped at an ice cream place that also is a farm; and while we toured the farm we talked about the animals and used the signs. However, when we came to the cows, you refused to sign cow instead said "moo!" then laughed your little butt off. It was really funny and your comedic timing was spot on! Daddy and I wondered a bit where you learned that a cow says moo, then we realized that you learned it from a book! (Moo Baa La La La) So already at 17 months you're book learning! How exciting! You loved the farm, anything with animals fascinates you. Daddy and I are a little worried that you have no fear of animals at all. You tried to walk into the cow pen, when we met various dogs on the trip you hugged them right away without even hesitating, and laughed when a dog barked right next to you. Even when a horse snorted in your face you giggled and tried to hug the horse's muzzle. I'm happy that you love animals so much, I hope that you never lose that love!
This upcoming month we are going to start going swimming more. I've learned that you are a water girl! We went to the beach with Gramma and Auntie Sue and cousin Amelia and you walked into the water with Gramma up to your chin with no hesitation! Another time we went to a pool and while you were so tired that you couldn't smile, which we were drying you off all you did was sign "more please" over and over in hopes that we would go back to swimming. So Mama's going to have to get over her bathing suit in public phobia and take you swimming lots more!
This month too we've talked more to you about how you're going to be a big sister and that there's a baby in Mama's tummy. I know that you don't understand at all. But Love, you are going to be a big sister and I hope the transition isn't going to be too hard for you. When I hold other babies you get quite upset and demand my attention. Luckily when the new baby comes Daddy gets lots of time off of work so we can make the transition easier for you. I think you'll be a good big sister, you do love babies, just not when Mama's holding them and not holding you!
But you know, you'll always be my first baby and I'll always love you just as much, even if you have 1000 little brothers and sisters!




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