The Tweedles

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Happy Canada Day

No really it's still Canada Day. I haven't gone to bed yet. (work with me here, 'kay people?)
Anyhow blogger and me have broken up, Nicole and Paris style, and it appears that we have rekindled, perhaps we'll be able to squeak out another bad television show. Or not.

Today Adam and I mourned not living in Canada and not being in Ottawa, we vowed that sometime on this day in the future we will be in Ottawa. It's so strange to be somewhere that doesn't even recognize the importance of today. Even when I was in Korea I was able to celebrate Canada Day. Oh and celebrate my friends and I did. We went to a party being hosted by the Canadian consulate. They shipped in Big Rock beer, Alberta beef and BC shrimp (I think there was some BC salmon too, but I was all about the beef). If I hadn't been as hung over as I was then perhaps I would have been able to enjoy more good ol' Canadian beer. In any case the party was fantastic, many drunken patriotic Canadians and just as many drunken American army boys, who were very polite and tolerated me drill them about Canada. (My favourite question was "What is the Canadian capitol?" They always got it wrong, but I was determined to educate them all, one drunken conversation at a time.) A good time was had by all, and I promise that I didn't irritate too many of the boys with my questions, mostly they played along, laughed and answered my questions, asked me some of their own and stared at my boobs.

Back to today, no fireworks, no hearty "Happy Canada Day!"s and no Canada birthday cake. Sigh. It's a little sad for me. It's all good though, I did get a promise out of Adam that someday I will get to be in Ottawa for Canada Day.

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