My bathroom cupboard

This is the view under my sink in the bathroom. The yellow boxes are what the injectable hormones come in. Each box contains 5 vials of saline, in which to dissolve the hormones and 5 vials of the hormones, in a powdered form. The big red plastic thingy is my sharps container- even in my hormone laden brain, I seem to still have the foresight to be safe! The little box on the bottom left with the red stripe is a vial of the hormone HCG, which is the hormone that triggers a positive pregnancy test, and is also given to people like me to force ovulation. Normally the people at the doctors office would inject it into me, but I know how to give it to myself now. Oh the joys! And finally, the big Costco box of tampons. Seeing all of this stuff to try to get me pregnant stacked up next to my big ol' box of tampons just makes me giggle in a manic, exasperated manner.

The box that the little box of HCG is on is alcohol wipes. Again with the safety. Also if you ever have to inject yourself, always make sure the alcohol is dry before the injecting begins, or it stings like a mofo!

You can see how many boxes of the menopur I have gone through. And there is more in the kitchen. So. Many. Vials.

Finally the plastic baggies on the left behind the alcohol wipes are my syringes and needles. There aren't many left.
Labels: getting pregnant
Oh honey *hugs*
C'mon eggs. Seriously.
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