The Tweedles

Monday, September 11, 2006


This weekend the women's side of the Fog had a game. One that I didn't go to 'cause I had to leave the team, for about a million reasons. So today I commenced, "Stalk the Fog, day one".

As soon as I decided to leave the team, I took myself off of the mailing list because seeing the 70ish emails everyday was hard and made me want to play. It made it easier for me to not jones so much to play, 'cause as it is it's killing me! AHHHH. However on Saturday they had their game and I was at home thinking about (thought the haze of a hangover) and sad that I couldn't play. On Sunday I was thinking about how I would be in killer pain and not able to walk, and I was a little happy that I didn't play.

Fastforward to about 2 miniutes ago. I was on the website and I saw the video for the team, and they won! 66-5! I am so proud of them. That's an amazing win, and their first game ever! I'm a little sad that I wasn't part of it, but still so proud of them!

So the reasons. I mentioned the pain. I used to hurt a lot after practice and playing, but I don't remember it being this bad. I think it's just that I am old and I haven't played in a while, and I know that it would get better.

I want to climb more, I have had to put my short climbing career on the back burner and it's something I want to really work on. It's somthing I can do all year and something I can do when I am pregnant. Also the friends I have made from climbing are fabulous. Which isn't a reason to not play rugby 'cause the girls I played with were amazing too!

The biggest reason, is I want to get pregnant. Anyone who reads this knows this, but it can be repeated. The thing with being pregnant, you can't play rugby, and I don't want to leave the team part way through the season, I would rather leave when I did before the games started.

Finally another reason, I couldn't make all of the practices all of the time. What kind of teammate am I when I can't devote all I need to? When I played before it lived, breathed and ate rugby, and I feel like a fraud if I can't give it the same dedication now. Therefore if I can't give it the same dedication now, I shouldn't play, it's not fair to them.

So being said, I am really sad. I want to play so bad. I'm still training as if I were playing. The last practice I went to the coach kept referring to me being the slowest player; I would like to think that with the level of training I have been doing that I wouldn't be anymore. Or I might be. I'm still okay with it.

Yay Fog! Kick some ass!!!


At 9/12/2006 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw Dea
I'm sad for you... but I think you're right.
And yay for the Fog, that's an awesome victory.

At 9/13/2006 9:00 AM, Blogger Gabrielle said...

poor Deadra, i know how you love rugby, But I am gald that you have decided that you are going to do other things, You know as we get older....Not saying that you are "old" but on the other hand you were somewhat younger when you last played, we tend to forget how hard some things are on our badies......time for new things to learn that are not going to be so hard on you.
yay " Fog" wow that must have been a great game.
happy clibing instead.....


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