Another year another failure.
Due to the issue of my transparency, as in I am so fair you can see through my skin, not the kind of transparancy that makes Paris Hilton relase sex videos on line, I try not to get tanned. Every summer I make a vow that I will be diligent with the sun screen, especially the past few years. Generally it works well, and when people give me a hard time I remind them of Nicole Kidman and Rose McGowan who are both very fair and quite pretty for it. However people seem to think that one must cook one's hide to be attractive and "healthy". I hate this. So I try to keep the sunscreen companies profitable all on my own. But with this fair skin comes sensitive skin. I have a lot of trouble finding a sunscreen I can use on my face. Arg! When we found out that we were moving down here I invested in some really expensive and really quite good sunscreen for my face, and I had done well in maintaining my transparency.
That was until yesterday.
Adam and I went to the Gilroy Garlic Festival and it was hot. I came prepared and wore my face sunscreen, and a hat and sunglasses, and SPF 50 everywhere else. I was ready to take on the day, all preserved in the chemical goodness that is SPF 50. I was going to win this war against the evil sun. Except for one little thing. Your clothes? Yeah, they move, and the skin under them, not so preserved in chemical goodness. Oops.

You can see how transparent my skin is, you can see the veins right under it. Also, see the sun burns, oh it's a good one. I guess you could say that when I do something I do it really well!

The other side.
So to quote Miss. Hilton. That's hott
7 Comments: poor thing......that must hurt......
OWWWWWWW! I hate sunburns! I skip the sunscreen altogether and just stay indoors. I haven't been burned in years!
ouch time it might be better if you put your SPF 50 on every inch of your skin B/4 you get dressed......or stay in doors like Lisa...
This post is awesome - thanks for the comment at my place that led me to it. And the Gilroy Garlic Fest? Always wanted to go. So jealous. Eat some for me, will you? Preferably roasted and spread on crusty bread with a bit of fresh crumbly chevre. Mmmmmmm....
I try to stay in as much as I can, but I couldn't have had the festival in the house... I am sure that we would lose all of our damage deposit!
And the food at the Festival, it was yummy, and hmm garlicky, and more yummy. They even had garlic icecream. I couldn't bring myself to try it. I only allow myself icecream once a week, and I wasn't going to waste it on something non-chocolate and non-rich.
The garlic festival sound like fun….so did you get some ideas and things that you would like to share with me….I do not think that I will try to make garlic ice cream…however I am sure that you will have some other interesting ideas that I would like to hear.
Did you get to make your health cookies and did they turn out?????????
Oh you should see it now. It blistered and now it's all tan, and I hate it.... Any tips how to get rid of a tan, short of scrubbing your skin off?
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