The Tweedles

Thursday, April 06, 2006

ABCs Michelle Style.

Michelle, the mother of one of my adorable flower girls and fellow Libra Extroidinaire, sent me this. Here are my answers.

A is for age: 28

B is for Booze of choice: wine

C is for career: housewife, poo picker-upper, pink medicine administrator, dinner maker.

D is for your dog's name: Chachi

E is for essential items you use everyday: Sports bra, (gotta keep the sisters in charge), lotion, hair elastics.

F is for favorite song at the moment: Rock Star by Nickleback, it makes me work out harder

G is for favorite games: Scrabble; Crib; Uno; Skip-Bo; (this was Michelle's answer, but I love all these also, and backgammon)

H is for hometown: Mountain View California

I is for instruments you play: flute, and I want to play the violin better (well at all)

J is for jam or jelly you like: Blackberry

K is for Kids: none, YET, but for a boy Malachi, and a girl Ellis. (this may all change)

L is for last kiss: 10 mins ago from Chachi

M is for most admired trait: of me? I guess that I don't have to work, but Internet, it's boring!

N is for the name of your crush: Adam Bruce Berkan....

O is for overnight hospital stays: This one time when I was little, I got a kidney infection, and they made me stay in the hospital, and the baby next to me slept in a tent that was cold! And I had needles and I didn't get to eat, I ate through a needle, and I got to have jello after a little while, but I liked icecream, and then they let me have some. And soon I went home and I was all better. But I was mad at them for keeping the baby cold.

P is for phobias: dark water, tight spaces

Q is for quotes you like: Dance like no one's watching....

R is for biggest regret: That I didn't try harder in uni, and that I didn't persue law school.

S is for sweets of your choice: chocolate and icecream

T is for the time you wake up: when ever I want....

U is for underwear: Unless I'm wearing the lycra workout pants and then the panty lines are just too horrible....

V is for vegetable you love: all of them!

W is for worst habit: procrastination, hey Michelle me too!!! It must be a libra thing.

X is for x-rays you've had: besides the dentist one? Um... a few on my knees, and on my hand and collar bone after the car accident when my hand broke

Y is for yummy food you make: Spaghetti and meat sauce, Adam's Alfredo, Veggie Stew, Korean Red Chicken

Z is for zodiac sign: Libra. I am so totally a Libra. OMG Michelle ME TOO!!!!


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