The Tweedles

Monday, November 02, 2009

"Bye Bye Daddie"

Hi All, Adam here. I'm talking care of Dea's Nablopomo duties for today...

I suppose since this has transformed into a "mommie" blog, I'll recount how Trixie treats me every morning. It starts at about 4am when she kicks me out of bed saying "baable, baable..." Pushing the dog and the cat aside, I make her a little bottle and then we all get back into bed. Around 8am it repeats...

Usually after this point she's awake, so I ask her to climb out of bed and close the door. The bedroom is reasonably baby proof and has lots of toys, so she amuses herself for an hour while I scrape together the will to get out of bed. Sometimes we resort to "The Bernstein Bears" for amusement, but by 9am they're showing "The Wiggles" which is good motivation to get moving.

Next we brush Trixie's teeth, and then shower. Then I get out and Trixie showers with Dea. She's a water fiend. Then Trixie gets out and I dry her off. She giggles as I dry "All That Crazy Hair!!" After getting Trixie dressed, we head downstairs, and then it's time to go. Trixie gives me a big hug, and a kiss or two, and then says "Bye Bye Daddie" a few times while I head to the garage. It's adorable :)

Stay tuned for the next time Dea needs a pinch-poster...


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