The Tweedles

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Partying post baby.

We had a James Bond spy party today, and it was interesting. First because a lot of my friends have babies we need to have it earlier in the day so that the babies aren't in prime breaking time. Secondly because of the nature of Silicon Valley (or maybe just us) there was an assortment of friend groups which added some flavour to the party. To make of the groups of friends comfortable I tried to have a more than one couple from each group, so that there were mini groups and make it not awkward for anyone. However I fear I may have failed a little. All in all the spy game was fun, although short. When we've played it in the past it lasted longer, but this was done in a matter of minutes! It's like Christmas dinner, so much planning and preparation for a short little blurp and done.
So I think I will write this party off as a social experiment- what happens when several social circles collide, and they have to kill one another.

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