The Tweedles

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Okay first of all business....
I've missed a couple of posts, I'm ashamed. So very ashamed. It's hard to keep up with this daily posting thing, while on vacation in a country half of the world away and keep track of what time it is at home, oh also? Sketchy internets.

Okay wine.
I loves the wine, oh yes I do.
So today as we were leaving Napier (in Hawks Bay, big ol' wine country in NZ) we decided that we would hit up a couple wineries. So at 10 am we go to the first one, taste 4 or 5 wines, buy a bottle and go to the next one, expecting the same, 4or 5 and go to the next place. Except... at the second winery there were 10 tastings with a fortified wine at the end, and since Adam isn't much of a port man I finished his too, so that's 11 tastings. It's safe to say I'm tipsy. It's noon. So on to the next winery, I taste 5 more wines and we buy one or two bottles, and I can't remember 'cause I was a little more than tipsy; in my defense, the wine was good!
To combat the tipsyness we stayed there for a very posh and pricey lunch and then head off towards Gisborne, but I manage to convince Adam that we need to stop at a couple more wineries. Heh heh heh. We stopped at one, and I had many more tastes. Then I slept most of the 3 hour drive back to Gisborne.
So our grand total of bottles of wine bought so far this trip is 18. Our luggage is going to be heavy!!
(also lets note how relaxed the US is about bringing booze into the country!)

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