My Superbowl Picks.
Team #1- The Teddies

Team #2- The Ponies

Since I am married to an NFL nut (and the daughter of one) I generally find that I need to pick a winner. Normally I go by the colours of the uniforms, but this year they are both have blue, which is the colour I usually choose. So to overcome the dilemma, and since I don't know anything about either teams, or care to, I devised a new solution.

I let Chachi pick. Clearly he prefers the Ponies, so I will cheer for the Colts!
Now really, I do want to pay homage to the favorite team of Chez Berkan.

(get it, cheese head! HA!)
The pets are also all for the Packers.

There are my little pony UNICORNS? I am in awe.
Lisa, they are My Little Pony Unicorns. I've had them since I was but a wee lass. I even had the castle, which I finally threw away yesterday. It was all discoloured and nasty.
Sounds logical.
Good thinking Dea.
Way to go Chachi……you picked the best team…….they have to win this year as Dad has picked this team for the last …I don’t know how many years……go ponies go…….
Get those big bad bears…….LOL
Sorry to hear that the Chez Berkan team is not playing in the super bowl….that would have made for a great game.
Love your story in pictures that is cute…great picks of the animals….go Berkan critters go.
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