The Tweedles

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tinky Winky? Say it ain't so!

Go and read this, then let's talk.

Okay, done?

Let's talk about the insane ridiculousness of this. First of all, why is Reverend Jerry Falwell watching the Teletubbies so closely? Secondly, who is he to "out" someone? That's just plain unfair and tacky. Besides his argument is based around Tinky Winky being purple and having a triangle on his head. Clearly all signs of being gay. What is he going to do when the introduce the new Teletubby, the rainbow coloured one, with a phallus on his head, named Doomee Doomee.

Stupid stupid stupid.

I really wish that the extreme right, or anyone really would get over it. There are gay people, get over it! Being gay isn't morally wrong, but it is morally wrong to judge someone for who they are. I quote Mr. Falwell: "As a Christian I feel that role modelling the gay lifestyle is damaging to the moral lives of children." But do you know the funniest part of this argument? When the haters try to quote the bible.

Well back to our regularly scheduled drivel!


At 12/07/2006 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gawd Deara, you got me all excited. I was like...AGAIN they are attacking Tinky Winky! Leave the poor thing alone!!

However, i needn't have feared...the article you linked is from 1999.

I'm sure that Jerry has moved onto "hating" other things.

Perhaps if he found Rev Ted and Tinky at a roman bath engaging in "unsafe" paid anal sex while sharing some meth it would make the news~ haha

At 12/07/2006 9:41 AM, Blogger Gabrielle said...

OMG cant he come up with better things to do, like feeding the poor people or something good like that…….get a life Jerry Falwell. It’s a teletubbie for gods sake.


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